Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Waterford to Haverstraw

Well it is Sept 4 the first official day of school for us. We are in Haverstraw New York where we are hoping to get some engine work done and the mast put back up. While Gary deals with that the boys and I searched out an internet connection and started the first assignments. We had fun over the last few days. We traveled from Waterford to Castleton-on-Hudson where there was a great little boating club. We visited with the locals for a couple of beers and then picked up one of their mooring balls across the river for the night.The moon was full and it was a gorgeous night. We were up early the next morning to catch the ebb current of 1.5 knots, which helped us along to Kingston by 3:30pm. We had planned our stop at Kingston based on a tip that there was a Mexican restaurant that would give free dockage if you ate in their restaurant. We found the Place and were able to scoop dock space! The meal was great, they make the best lime margarita on the rocks I think I’ve ever had. We also discovered that Kingston was celebrating “Hooley on the Hudson”. Hooley is an Irish word for festival (hooligan). There were booths selling pints of Irish beer and some really good celtic bands playing. Our 2 favorite bands were Greenwich Mean Time and McCallan Mor. We sang and danced until the music stopped at 9pm then our attention was drawn to the water where at Christmas parade of boats were going by!! The water here is frozen at Christmas time so they celebrate Christmas in July, the parade of boats in September. What an entertaining time we stumbled upon all because we wanted Mexican food. The next morning saw us off early again to benefit from the ebb tide. We traveled past the Vanderbilt Mansion, it was very grey, The Culinary institute of America which is in a beautiful old mansion, and West Point Academy. This is the oldest military academy in the USA and the building is amazing. The landscape along the river was beautiful. We arrived in Haverstraw late in the afternoon and were happy to reach the still water of the marina as tons of large power boats had blasted by us with their huge wakes rocking us.

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