Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Putting the boat back together

THE MAST IS UP Tuesday afternoon the mast went up! It is nice to have the decks and cockpit clear of the wood saw horses that held the mast on the boat. Now we need to tune the mast and put the sails on. The radar is reattached and is ready for testing. We need to change the oil and filter, check the fuel and water filters, change the transmission fluid, and we will be ready to head off to meet Granny (Janine’s Mom). WERE SAILING! Thursday we managed to get all of the maintenance done, the rig tuned reasonably well and in the early afternoon Thursday (after school of course) we sailed across Haverstraw Bay to an anchorage in the lee of Croton Point. It was great to be sailing again, we haven’t been able to sail since Aug 11 when we sailed off of Lake Erie into Buffalo. Granny can take the train direct to Croton, about 50 miles north of the city,so we can row ashore and get her this afternoon.


  1. This is dad
    I'm testing the comments section

  2. Hey guys. Enjoying the Blog. Glad you got the sail off the deck. How are classes going? How do you keep the boys in line? ("if you don't do as you are told we will put you in the dinghy and tow you along until you behave")

  3. oops, tha should have said mast off the deck, but I was thinking sail after we saw a boat limping into port yesterday with a shredded sail flapping in the breeze.
