Saturday, 6 August 2016

Departure day!!

Well it took a lot of effort from several people but Highfive got all of her new electronics connected and talking to each other properly before midnight last night! This meant we successfully met our 6am departure this Morning. We would really like to thank Andy and Jim for working so hard to make this possible.
Vancouver looked amazing with the sun rising over her this morning. Nicole and Janine took the 6am till noon shift and got us all safely to Roche Harbor by Noon-30. We had Orcas put in a guest appearance very close to the boat just after coming through Active pass! What great way to end Highfive's time in Canadian waters.
We were able to clear customs in Roche Harbor with a very nice Border patrol agent. They let us keep all of the food we brought! Thank goodness!! So after stocking up on some final provisions, hot showers and a nice dinner at the restaurant we wiil head out around 8pm. We should reach Neah Bay mid morning to top up the fuel tank and then take the BIG left turn around Cape Flattery Sunday afternoon.
It feels so surreal to actually be starting on this journey. We have been working towards it for what seems like a very long time. As we were unpacking our bags last night it was bringing back our memories of moving onto Highfive in 2007. It's amazing how we can all happily move back into this small amount of space together and easily fall back into the rhythm of sliding past each other and working as a team. We are so lucky to have this opportunity as a family.
Even with the lack of sleep the late night and early departure caused the day has been filled with plenty of humor and lots of big smiles.

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