Thursday, 18 August 2016



We made it!!!

Well High Five is secured at the dock at the San Diego Yacht Club. This will be her new home until December. 
We will post more tomorrow. For now enjoy some pictures.

We made it!!!

Well High Five is secured at the dock at the San Diego Yacht Club. This will be her new home until December. 
We will post more tomorrow. For now enjoy some pictures.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

San Francisco and farewells

Well we had a sporty  2 day passage from Newport Oregon to San Francisco.
The sun and moon were covered by the fog for all but the first couple hours. It was so cold we were all wearing all of the warm clothes we could manage and still move. It kept us focused on the goal of getting somewhere warm.
We had some exhilarating surfs down waves both hand steering and letting Auto (pilot) have some of the fun.
There was very little wild life to be seen this leg, except for the birds. There are some very small, tough birds on the west coast. Even 30 miles off shore the birds are out there skimming along the tops of the waves.
We pulled into Drake's Bay 30 miles outside of San Francisco at midnight Friday night in fog so thick  it was hard to see the bow from the stern. We were able to set the anchor quickly and well. This let us all grab 5 1/2 hours of quiet sleep before we were up again to make the correct tides into San Fran.
It was a peaceful 4 hour motor into the Bay. We were accompanied by fishing boats emerging from the fog and porpoises frolicking along side. It was also our first sighting of pelicans! The fog lifted just enough as we were approaching the Golden Gate Bridge for some great photo ops. We arrived at St Francis yacht club and were given a place front and centre at the guest dock. Even better were the glorious long hot showers!
Saturday afternoon we were able to give our legs a good stretch walking along the waterfront to Fisherman's wharf and back. We picked up a couple loaves of San Francisco Sourdough.
The day past by too quickly, before we knew it 4:30pm had arrived, and we had to send Richard and Nicole off in a taxi to the airport. They both have obligations in Vancouver they had to return to.
They have both been a great part of our crew and we will sure miss them on the next legs of our passage.

The plan now is to head out of San Francisco at 9am Sunday to make the slack current under the Bridge. We will point our bow south and keep going for the next couple days and see how far we get.
We're still looking to find some warm weather. Fingers crossed the next post will be written from somewhere warm.

San Francisco and farewells

Well we had a sporty  2 day passage from Newport Oregon to San Francisco.
The sun and moon were covered by the fog for all but the first couple hours. It was so cold we were all wearing all of the warm clothes we could manage and still move. It kept us focused on the goal of getting somewhere warm.
We had some exhilarating surfs down waves both hand steering and letting Auto (pilot) have some of the fun.
There was very little wild life to be seen this leg, except for the birds. There are some very small, tough birds on the west coast. Even 30 miles off shore the birds are out there skimming along the tops of the waves.
We pulled into Drake's Bay 30 miles outside of San Francisco at midnight Friday night in fog so thick  it was hard to see the bow from the stern. We were able to set the anchor quickly and well. This let us all grab 5 1/2 hours of quiet sleep before we were up again to make the correct tides into San Fran.
It was a peaceful 4 hour motor into the Bay. We were accompanied by fishing boats emerging from the fog and porpoises frolicking along side. It was also our first sighting of pelicans! The fog lifted just enough as we were approaching the Golden Gate Bridge for some great photo ops. We arrived at St Francis yacht club and were given a place front and centre at the guest dock. Even better were the glorious long hot showers!
Saturday afternoon we were able to give our legs a good stretch walking along the waterfront to Fisherman's wharf and back. We picked up a couple loaves of San Francisco Sourdough.
The day past by too quickly, before we knew it 4:30pm had arrived, and we had to send Richard and Nicole off in a taxi to the airport. They both have obligations in Vancouver they had to return to.
They have both been a great part of our crew and we will sure miss them on the next legs of our passage.

The plan now is to head out of San Francisco at 9am Sunday to make the slack current under the Bridge. We will point our bow south and keep going for the next couple days and see how far we get.
We're still looking to find some warm weather. Fingers crossed the next post will be written from somewhere warm.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Newport Oregon

Newport Oregon

Sea lions

Sea lions

Newport, Oregon

At 8pm today we cruised into the harbour at Newport, Oregon for a night of quiet sleep before our next leg of the journey. Tomorrow we are heading out, set on San Francisco. The weather forecast seems to have calmed down for the southern Oregon coast, meaning that instead of a scary passage we should be in for a fun sail.
Our first lengthy passage of the trip, from Neah Bay to Newport, went as smoothly as we could hope, with our new autopilot driving a true course before we decided it was too jerky this morning and replaced it with a smoother human driver. The weather was cold overnight, but turned into a gorgeous sunny day today, with most of us even venturing to take our sweaters off at some point. Unfortunately, we had to motor for the entire 32 hour passage, meaning that we were pretty happy to turn the monster off when we docked, taking in our hard-earned silence with bliss.
We will be offshore until Saturday, so this should be our last update until then. If all goes well we'll see you in San Francisco!

Newport, Oregon

At 8pm today we cruised into the harbour at Newport, Oregon for a night of quiet sleep before our next leg of the journey. Tomorrow we are heading out, set on San Francisco. The weather forecast seems to have calmed down for the southern Oregon coast, meaning that instead of a scary passage we should be in for a fun sail.
Our first lengthy passage of the trip, from Neah Bay to Newport, went as smoothly as we could hope, with our new autopilot driving a true course before we decided it was too jerky this morning and replaced it with a smoother human driver. The weather was cold overnight, but turned into a gorgeous sunny day today, with most of us even venturing to take our sweaters off at some point. Unfortunately, we had to motor for the entire 32 hour passage, meaning that we were pretty happy to turn the monster off when we docked, taking in our hard-earned silence with bliss.
We will be offshore until Saturday, so this should be our last update until then. If all goes well we'll see you in San Francisco!

Monday, 8 August 2016

Big Left Turn

Today we are leaving Neah Bay at noon. We delayed our departure a bit due to a nasty bit of weather in Northern Califotnia. That may seem odd considering we are sitting in Northern Washington but really it makes sense in The sailing world.
We will be travelling for the next 48 hours at least. If the nasty weather in Northern California persists we may have to wait a bit in southern Oregon.
Our weather from Neah Bay to Newport looks pretty benign.
We will update the blog when we arrive somewhere.

Big Left Turn

Today we are leaving Neah Bay at noon. We delayed our departure a bit due to a nasty bit of weather in Northern Califotnia. That may seem odd considering we are sitting in Northern Washington but really it makes sense in The sailing world.
We will be travelling for the next 48 hours at least. If the nasty weather in Northern California persists we may have to wait a bit in southern Oregon.
Our weather from Neah Bay to Newport looks pretty benign.
We will update the blog when we arrive somewhere.



Sunday, 7 August 2016

Neah bay

Neah bay

After a long, boring night of motoring through flat water, we arrived in Neah Bay at 6am this morning! We made a brief pause to wait for our 2pm weather window around Cape Flattery, but will be underway momentarily after stopping at the fuel dock to top up our diesel tank for the last time. If all goes according to plan, we should be in San Francisco on Friday or Saturday, with just enough time for Richy and Nicole to catch their flights home Saturday night. This is it!
This may be our last post for a while as we head offshore, but we will try to update everyone as soon as possible.
After a long, boring night of motoring through flat water, we arrived in Neah Bay at 6am this morning! We made a brief pause to wait for our 2pm weather window around Cape Flattery, but will be underway momentarily after stopping at the fuel dock to top up our diesel tank for the last time. If all goes according to plan, we should be in San Francisco on Friday or Saturday, with just enough time for Richy and Nicole to catch their flights home Saturday night. This is it!
This may be our last post for a while as we head offshore, but we will try to update everyone as soon as possible.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Departure day!!

Well it took a lot of effort from several people but Highfive got all of her new electronics connected and talking to each other properly before midnight last night! This meant we successfully met our 6am departure this Morning. We would really like to thank Andy and Jim for working so hard to make this possible.
Vancouver looked amazing with the sun rising over her this morning. Nicole and Janine took the 6am till noon shift and got us all safely to Roche Harbor by Noon-30. We had Orcas put in a guest appearance very close to the boat just after coming through Active pass! What great way to end Highfive's time in Canadian waters.
We were able to clear customs in Roche Harbor with a very nice Border patrol agent. They let us keep all of the food we brought! Thank goodness!! So after stocking up on some final provisions, hot showers and a nice dinner at the restaurant we wiil head out around 8pm. We should reach Neah Bay mid morning to top up the fuel tank and then take the BIG left turn around Cape Flattery Sunday afternoon.
It feels so surreal to actually be starting on this journey. We have been working towards it for what seems like a very long time. As we were unpacking our bags last night it was bringing back our memories of moving onto Highfive in 2007. It's amazing how we can all happily move back into this small amount of space together and easily fall back into the rhythm of sliding past each other and working as a team. We are so lucky to have this opportunity as a family.
Even with the lack of sleep the late night and early departure caused the day has been filled with plenty of humor and lots of big smiles.

Departure day!!

Well it took a lot of effort from several people but Highfive got all of her new electronics connected and talking to each other properly before midnight last night! This meant we successfully met our 6am departure this Morning. We would really like to thank Andy and Jim for working so hard to make this possible.
Vancouver looked amazing with the sun rising over her this morning. Nicole and Janine took the 6am till noon shift and got us all safely to Roche Harbor by Noon-30. We had Orcas put in a guest appearance very close to the boat just after coming through Active pass! What great way to end Highfive's time in Canadian waters.
We were able to clear customs in Roche Harbor with a very nice Border patrol agent. They let us keep all of the food we brought! Thank goodness!! So after stocking up on some final provisions, hot showers and a nice dinner at the restaurant we wiil head out around 8pm. We should reach Neah Bay mid morning to top up the fuel tank and then take the BIG left turn around Cape Flattery Sunday afternoon.
It feels so surreal to actually be starting on this journey. We have been working towards it for what seems like a very long time. As we were unpacking our bags last night it was bringing back our memories of moving onto Highfive in 2007. It's amazing how we can all happily move back into this small amount of space together and easily fall back into the rhythm of sliding past each other and working as a team. We are so lucky to have this opportunity as a family.
Even with the lack of sleep the late night and early departure caused the day has been filled with plenty of humor and lots of big smiles.



Tuesday, 2 August 2016

High Five Sails Again!!

Well it sure has been a while since this blog has seen any action. After 6 summers of being in Vancouver High Five is itching to get back to warmer climates.
High Five has undergone some major upgrades to prepare for her next adventure.
Included in the list are:
Autopilot (a first for her)
Chart plotter
AIS radio
Refurbished canvas with solar panels
High Five is feeling good with all these improvements and slick new bottom paint lets her glide through the water like a dream.
So the plan as it stands is to leave Vancouver the weekend of August 6 and head to San Francisco in the most direct route possible
All of the High Five regulars will be part of the crew as well as the addition of Nicole Johnson.
The last 6 weeks have been pretty demanding getting all the boat improvements, provisioning and safety equiptment organized. As well as fulfilling all the usual demands of regular work schedules.
It's hard to believe we're so close to our expected departure. We've had several offers of additional crew which we truly appreciate.
The weather will determine when we go and how long it will take us. Hopefully we will make it to San Francisco in 7 days. We will lose Richard and Nicole in San Francisco as they must return to commitments in Vancouver. The rest of the crew will sail High Five on to San Diego. Or somewhere in Southern California where she will remain until December. As usual when it comes to sailing trips, the plans are written in Jello.
We look forward to sharing our adventures with all of you. Please don't be concerned if our posts are delayed. It will most likely be due to a lack of ability to get connected.

High Five Sails Again!!

Well it sure has been a while since this blog has seen any action. After 6 summers of being in Vancouver High Five is itching to get back to warmer climates.
High Five has undergone some major upgrades to prepare for her next adventure.
Included in the list are:
Autopilot (a first for her)
Chart plotter
AIS radio
Refurbished canvas with solar panels
High Five is feeling good with all these improvements and slick new bottom paint lets her glide through the water like a dream.
So the plan as it stands is to leave Vancouver the weekend of August 6 and head to San Francisco in the most direct route possible
All of the High Five regulars will be part of the crew as well as the addition of Nicole Johnson.
The last 6 weeks have been pretty demanding getting all the boat improvements, provisioning and safety equiptment organized. As well as fulfilling all the usual demands of regular work schedules.
It's hard to believe we're so close to our expected departure. We've had several offers of additional crew which we truly appreciate.
The weather will determine when we go and how long it will take us. Hopefully we will make it to San Francisco in 7 days. We will lose Richard and Nicole in San Francisco as they must return to commitments in Vancouver. The rest of the crew will sail High Five on to San Diego. Or somewhere in Southern California where she will remain until December. As usual when it comes to sailing trips, the plans are written in Jello.
We look forward to sharing our adventures with all of you. Please don't be concerned if our posts are delayed. It will most likely be due to a lack of ability to get connected.