Saturday, 5 December 2009

Boogie Boarding in Testigos

Tuesday December 1st, 2009 Today, as usual, when we got up we did our school. Once we were done that, we went for a snorkel, it was pretty interesting, the water was crystal clear and we saw a huge puffer fish! When we got back to the boat we had some lunch and loaded the dinghy up with all our boogie boards and skim board, getting ready to go to the beach on the windward shore with Solange. Once everyone was ready we went to shore in the dinghy. Solange was already there waiting for us, ready to walk across to the other side of the island. We walked up the hill and asked one of the locals where the path was, it`s a really good thing that dad speaks a bit of Spanish. The walk to the beach wasn`t too hard but flip flops may not have been the best choice. When we hit sand everyone started to get a bit more excited, but it was nothing compared to when we finally saw the waves crashing onto the beach. All the kids ran down the hill, kicked off our shoes and sunglasses and sprinted for the waves. It was so much fun, we were there for hours, boogie boarding and body surfing. At one point a spotted eagle ray glided past, but we didn`t get to see it jump. We were all a bit disappointed when it was time to leave. As always, the walk back to the boat was much shorter and easier. When we got back to the boat we jumped in and soaped up to rinse the sand off, mum started cooking dinner because Solange was coming over to attempt at putting a dent in the crazy amount of Wahoo in our freezer. The rest of us started getting the boat ready to sail in the morning. Dinner with Solange is always fun, so we had a good time. When they left we finished getting the boat ready to sail and went to bed. It was a really fun day. Bradley

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